What should we brew?

Back in November 2021 we published our intention to move to a new modern brewing facility and with building well underway, when we get into our new brewery next year, it’ll give us the opportunity to not only brew our classic range of Wadworth ales but also expand our range and offer some exciting new beers for you to try.
There are so many types of beers we’d love to start brewing and with all this choice we wanted to know what you'd love to see us brew! So in October we asked you for your input and here are the results...
We asked you to tell us how much you wanted us to brew each style of beer. 1 being you didn’t want us to brew it up to 10 being you really want us to brew it!
Don’t worry, we’re not going to stop brewing your favourite Wadworth classics including 6X, Henry’s IPA, Horizon and Swordfish, we’re just branching out to widen our portfolio in order to bring more choice to more people.
In short, as well as keeping on brewing our classics (we hear you loud and clear!), the most popular choice for the style of beer for us to brew was a Session IPA (4-4.5% ABV). Closely followed by a Pale Ale (3.8-4.3% ABV). There was also a lot of love for a hoppy IPA (5-5.5% ABV) and a stout.
Thanks to everyone who has given us their thoughts and opinions – we can’t guarantee we’ll brew everything you wish for (!) but it’s given us good insight into what you want and ensure we’re planning on brewing beers that make you happy! Keep your eyes peeled next year.