Wadworth Pubs to close

Lockdown 2 pub closure announcement
In line with latest Government guidelines, we are sorry to confirm that all Wadworth pubs will close as of 10pm Wednesday 4th November 2020, for four weeks up to Wednesday 2nd December. At the end of the period, we will act upon Government advice and will confirm when our pubs will re-open as soon as we are able to.
We are very proud of the wonderful pubs we run and the fact we are the hub of many communities. We’d like to thank you for your loyalty and support during this challenging year.
Keep up to date with your local pub on their Facebook page – and whilst our real pubs are shut, “The Henry” https://www.facebook.com/groups/thehenry (our virtual pub on Facebook) remains open and ready for the pleasure of your company.
From our Wadworth family to yours, stay safe and we’ll see you soon.